Welcome to the first blog of this website. Here, I am going to share my experience of growing a beard from almost no facial hair.

My Earlier Life

I didn’t have any beard until I was 24 years old. I only had a little beard on my chin. All of my friends in my circle had beards except for me. They used to make fun of me for that, but I wouldn’t mind it much because they were very close to me. However, not having a beard made me look like a child, especially since I’m not very tall—I’m just 5’3”. Sometimes, other people would also refer to me as a little boy, which I didn’t like. So, I wished to have a beard because I thought it would make me look a little older and hopefully prevent others from calling me a little boy. Additionally, having a beard had just started becoming a trend at that time, which made men look good. That’s why I felt disappointed for not having a beard.

The Platform Helped Me

One day, one of my friends suggested I join a Facebook group related to growing beards. I joined as per his advice, but initially, I wasn’t serious about it because I believed that if there was no beard naturally, then there was nothing to be done. However, later on my Facebook news feed, I saw some review posts from that Facebook group. Day by day, I began visiting the group and reading the review posts. In those reviews, almost everyone had good results. Different people had different situations in their beard journey, which helped me a lot. I spent almost two months reading the group’s posts and activities. Slowly, I started believing that a beard could be grown by using beard oil. The admins of the group also did their job perfectly by posting ways and rules for the beard-growing journey. I read all of their suggested posts, which were pinned/featured on their group. In that group, they sold different kinds of beard oil and other necessities for growing a beard.

How I Started And Got Results

After spending almost two months in that group, I decided to start using beard oil. At first, I bought a beard oil, a dropper, and a derma roller from them. I also bought face cream and face wash from a shop near me. By reading the group’s posts multiple times, the rules and regulations were firmly set in my mind, and by following them, I started using beard oil. I followed the rules strictly because it was said that results might not come if I didn’t follow them properly. The rules were not too easy, but they weren’t too tough either. I had it in my mind that if I wanted results, I needed to follow them properly. So, after using it for three to four months, I noticed that a little beard was slowly growing on my face. I was so happy to see it. I continued using it for less than a year, and by that time, I had a permanent beard on my face, and it still grows. However, my beard was not very thick because I stopped using it as planned, with the intention of starting again later, but I have not done so yet. Nevertheless, I was happy with the results I got. So, that’s how I got a beard from almost nothing.