Bare To Bearded

Growing Beard On Cheeks From Nothing | Get Your Full Beard

Many men don’t get any beard on their cheeks. It is common to get a thicker beard around the lip and chin, but a large percentage of men struggle to get a full beard on their face. I also suffered from this problem. Not having a beard on my cheeks annoyed me a lot. A full beard gives men a handsome, classy, and manly look that will make you attractive to others, especially to women. It is difficult to grow a beard on cheeks because it is the slowest area to fill with hair. If you have no beard or very little beard on your cheeks, this blog will help you out.

How Do You Grow Beard On Cheeks?

The hair you get on your face is called androgenic hair. It is not the same as the light-colored hair (vellus hair) you had as a kid. It is thicker and darker and grows after puberty.

Hormones called androgens are the main drivers for beard growth. They include dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and testosterone. These hormones are connected to receptors in your body or skin, which helps the hair grow.

Reasons You Don’t Get A Beard On Cheeks

You don’t get a beard on your cheeks for reasons beyond your control. These are natural and cannot be changed. Let’s briefly review them.


You have probably heard or know about this reason. It is one of the major reasons you don’t get a beard on your cheeks. If your father or grandfather didn’t have a beard on their cheeks, there is a high probability that you will also not get a beard on your cheeks.

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia Areata is a disorder or disease that occurs when the immune system attacks hair follicles, resulting in hair or beard loss. It can cause hair loss in any area of the body, but it often affects the head and face. Unfortunately, there is no cure or effective treatment for this disease, but topical medications and steroid injections can be recommended. You can check Yale Medicine for detailed treatment information.


Before a certain age, you may not get a thicker and fuller beard. In most cases, that age is 30. In your 20s or before, most people don’t get a full beard on their face.

Low Testosterone Levels

Low testosterone levels will cause hair loss. If you have low testosterone levels, your beard on your cheeks will either be lost or not grow as you desire.

Is It Possible To Grow A Beard On Cheeks From Nothing?

The answer is yes, and I am an example. As I said, I had no beard on my cheeks, but now I have a beard on my cheeks. You can read My First Blog Post to learn more about my beardless journey.

There are methods or strategies I followed to grow a beard on my cheeks. I used some products and followed some guidelines that helped me grow a beard. I am sharing some strategies below that will help you grow your beard on your cheeks.

Strategies To Apply To Grow A Beard On Cheeks

Nowadays, beard-growing products have become popular. Many men have grown a beard on their face from very few or from absolutely nothing by using these products. I also used them and got good results. Now I have a beard on my cheeks where I had no facial hair before. Let’s discuss the strategies to grow a beard on your cheeks or face.

Use Minoxidil

Most people are now familiar with Minoxidil. It is popular for hair growth mainly, but it has become popular for beard growth as well. It stimulates blood circulation to the hair follicles and delivers nutrients, which nourish hair follicles. This way, Minoxidil helps in growing a beard on the face or cheeks. Read the 5 simple steps to apply Minoxidil for beard growth to properly apply Minoxidil.

Use A Derma Roller

Using a Derma Roller was the toughest part of my beard-growing journey because I felt pain on my face while using it. However, knowing it is very effective for growing a beard motivated me. It helps pierce the outer layer of skin, producing collagen that helps grow a beard on the face.

For most men, it worked successfully at a higher percentage, but some gave negative reviews. My opinion is that they might not have used it properly or avoided mistakes in using the derma roller, as you should be very careful. So, read the Derma Roller’s Using Process and 6 Mistakes to avoid in using a derma roller to ensure you use it correctly.

Try Supplements

Supplements work well for many to grow a beard. It’s not mandatory but may work as an extra advantage. If you cannot maintain a healthy diet, you should take supplements.

Supplements include biotin, vitamins, zinc, and so on. Among them, biotin is now famous for beard growth and is used by many with good reviews.

Beard Transplant

If you do not get your desired beard on your face or cheeks and are very obsessed with having a beard, you may go for a Beard Transplant. Contact a surgeon who offers beard transplants. The procedure involves removing hair from the back of your head and placing it on your face. If you consider a beard transplant, you must know and note every detail, such as the cost, recovery period, and other factors.

Other Basic Strategies To Apply

You should also follow some basic strategies mainly related to your lifestyle. These basics may seem unimportant, but they are crucial. If you do not follow these basics, your beard growth may be hindered. Learn about them below.

Taking Care Of Your Health

This is a common way to be protected from problems or diseases. Eating a balanced diet, avoiding smoking and alcohol, and regular exercise will keep you safe from almost every problem or disease. It’s the same for beard growth. If you do not lead a healthy lifestyle, it will affect your beard growth. For example, an improper balanced diet may cause nutrient deficiencies.

Proper Skin Care

As beard growth is related to skin, skin care is essential for growth. You should be regular and consistent in your skincare routine. Dirt and dead skin cells create a barrier on the skin. So, wash your face regularly and moisturize your skin to keep the beard healthy and foster growth.

Avoiding Frequent Shaving

Frequent shaving is an obstacle to the natural growth of a beard. It can also cause skin irritation. So, if you avoid frequent shaving, your beard will grow without interference and develop fully.

Managing Stress

You must know that stress is related to your health and skin. It is difficult to eliminate stress completely from life, but you can manage it. Some tips for managing stress include engaging in hobbies, exercising regularly, and sharing your stress with friends or others. Managing stress will help improve your blood circulation.

Myth You May Have Heard

From childhood, we hear myths that seem logical. We start following these myths without research, which hampers beard growth. Here, I will discuss one common myth you must have heard.

Shaving Makes Your Beard Thicker

I remember many people made me believe this myth by using an example: “As grasses or leaves grow by cutting more, the beard also grows by shaving more.” It sounds logical, right? But the point is the root of the beard is beneath your skin. So, if you cut or shave the end of your beard, it doesn’t affect your beard growth. So, stop believing in this myth.

How Long Does It Take To Grow A Beard On Cheeks From Nothing?

There is no exact period to answer this. It varies from person to person and also depends on genetics, hormones, and other factors mentioned above. The average period is around 3 to 4 months for getting Vellus Hair on your face. For Terminal Hair, the average period is 4 to 6 months. For me, it took 3 months to get vellus hair and 6 months to get terminal hair.

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